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+TASALP Debt M.N. Discretionary

Maximize the expected return from a discretionary strategy that capitalizes on market movements, seeking to obtain competitive returns through investments in government, state, municipal, bank, corporate and asset-backed securities denominated mainly in Mexican pesos, complemented with investments in securities listed in the SIC, Debt securities denominated in foreign currency issued by the Federal Government of the United Mexican States in international markets, as well as foreign securities registered, authorized or regulated for sale to the general public by the Securities Commissions or Equivalent Bodies of the States that are members of the Council of the International Organization of Securities Commissions or that are part of the European Union.

+RATE M.N. Government Debt

To structure an investment portfolio composed of assets subject to investment whose nature corresponds to securities, titles or documents representing debt instruments exclusively in charge of the Federal Government, with the purpose of capitalizing market movements, the Fund's investment horizon is short term and the minimum recommended permanence in the fund is 1 month to achieve the target yield.

+TASAUS DLL Debt. Short Term

To offer those investors seeking new investment alternatives, investing the resources obtained from the placement of the Fund's shares, in the acquisition of investment assets whose nature corresponds to securities, securities or documents representing a debt held by a third party, collective investment vehicles such as Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's), TRAC's (TRIAs) including indexed trust certificates, and/or through other investment funds, mainly denominated and/or indexed to dollars, as well as checking accounts in dollars, securities listed in the SIC, in order to offer a yield similar to that of the public rate published by the Federal Funds Reserve of the United States of America.

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