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Invex Bank

INVEXMP Medium-term investment

It offers investors the option of investing their resources in an asset portfolio consisting of non-government debt instruments; through bank and corporate debt instruments issued by high credit quality companies denominated in pesos, UDIS and/or foreign currency; as well as debt securities issued, guaranteed or guaranteed by the Federal Government, decentralized agencies of the Federal Government, by State productive enterprises, by the Development Bank and/or by state and municipal governments, in pesos, UDIS and/or foreign currency, in direct and/or repurchase agreements. In addition, the fund will invest in bank deposits of money on demand in local currency, foreign securities and asset-backed securities. The investment horizon of the Fund is medium term. There is no minimum term of permanence, however, investors are recommended to remain in the Fund between one and three years in order to achieve the investment objective.

INVEXLP Long Term Investment

To offer investors, individuals, legal entities and corporations not subject to withholding tax, the option of investing their resources in Government Debt Investment Assets and repos on instruments issued or guaranteed by the federal government and those issued by BANXICO, seeking to combine optimal characteristics of profitability, risk and liquidity through the diversification of their assets and professional portfolio management.

The Fund's investment horizon is long term, the average duration of the portfolio will be more than 3 years, therefore it is recommended that investors maintain their resources for at least 3 years.

INVEXCP Short Term Investment

Through the Fund, the liquid surpluses of its investors are channeled to the government and bank Debt Investment Assets market, seeking to combine profitability, risk and liquidity characteristics through the diversification of its assets and the professional management of its portfolio.

The Fund's investment horizon is short term and the minimum recommended permanence in the Fund is at least three months.

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